King’s Garden in the spring

King's Garden with Rosenborg Castle at the crocus lawn

Rosenborg Castle in King’s Garden is just like a fairytale

The crocus lawn i front of the Rosenborg Castle makes King’s Garden in Copenhagen like a fairytale in the early spring. The crocuses are all up showing their amazing colours to the world in March this year. In a month or so, the garden will be even prettier when white flowers of the cherry trees will make it an even bigger fairytale.

White and all shades of purple crocus suddenly appear in the grass when spring arrives in Copenhagen.

The old garden is perfectly located in the center of Copenhagen between Amalienborg Castle and the Botanical Gardens.It is a beautiful spot all year round, but the spring is my absolute favorite.

Sit down and enjoy the spring in King’s Garden

King's Garden Copenhagen -Sunset bench at Rosenborg Castle
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